Beauty in Pain

Anything that evokes a heartfelt response is powerful and flower-ful.  Be that through pain or joy it is part of the pathway to opening the petals of love again.

To feel numb is to be dumb to our senses, to the evocative and provocative.  Tears of sorrow, tears of joy all help to release us from the ploy of being pent up, to enable us to let down our guard and move away from being hard.

Hiding the pain away is dividing for it separates us from our truth which is that we are a myriad of emotions and commotions that too can form our potions.  Allowing our tears to flow enables the love to grow.  It takes down the walls that we have built that render us fools.  With a deep release we find a deep peace.

When we are able to feel and reveal we are gifted with the opportunity too heal.  To be vulnerable is valuable for it lifts us out of the ocean of despair and back into love and care.  The whole spectrum always lies bare and in finding the beauty in pain we are able to return to a state of wholeness again.  Strength comes in letting go, in letting the pain flow, opening an outlet for it to go.  To hold on is to block the dam, to remain contained in pain rather than allowing it to return to its’ source of healing and gain.

Witihin every adult is a wounded child, a wound that can restore wonder or topple us into plunder.  For that wound is a portal beyond pain, a launchpad back to truth again.  To fight the wound is to fight the light for they are both calling us on the same flight.  Back to inner light.

We can continue to build layers to protect us against the ‘threat’ which simultaneously act to deflect the truth or we can lay ourselves bare to the glare and accept the truth that lies there.


‘It is in the embers of decay

That we find a new way

Not black, not white

But one with true sight

This is how we take flight.’


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