Sum Total = Love

Everyone has things that they don’t like about themselves, things that they have rejected, traumas that have affected, fragments that they have ejected but the purpose of life is to end this strife. To learn to love and accept, to see beyond the ‘negative’ aspect, the shadows and return to the truth of who we are, the truth of our star.


Rather than see a so called ‘issue’ as a fault, see it as a result of something you have felt or been dealt and incorporate it back into yourself with compassion and care. There we are able to transform it into something we can bear, something we can wear as opposed to something that is just lingering there.   When we fold the ‘imperfections’ into us, blend them into the recipe of us we accept rather than reject a key aspect, a magical ingredient.


The reason why so many people have problems with health and wealth (energy/power) is that they are lacking a deep love of self. There are many things that we forgo due to this no-show. If we are not showing up fully for ourselves how can we possibly start knowing and growing anything else. Nurturing and creating defeat is very different than feeling lovingly whole and replete.


The sum total is all parts of us! Separately they may not taste so good but blended we are mended and it may just be the key seasoning our full flavour needed. ‘A pinch of pain’ makes us whole again!

Team Esteem

When humans feel hurt and traumatized it takes us out of our power. We may feel damaged, somewhat less than and may go into insecurity, people pleasing, needing to be loved, liked and accepted in order to redeem and esteem themselves.


As such we may lower our boundaries and our standards of what is acceptable behaviour which allows others to take advantage and not treat us with the respect and love we deserve. The key here is to restore our own esteem, our dream team (Divine connection) to feel that we are pure, worthy and accepted rather than feeling worthless and rejected. To feel love from within rather than seeking it where it may be dim we can call it in.


The hole was never really there, we are always whole but may perceive a gap, a disconnection due to our own self rejection. This in turn gives others permission to reject us as we are vibrating with a frequency of lack or attack. It all changes when we take our power back.


‘We all have a box of pain where we have hidden away that which has caused us shame and blame (trauma).

Yet we all have a treasure trove of light blazing bright which is able to save us from our plight (healing).

Let us see right!’


Our peace and security exists in a harmonic just as our love exists in a harmonic, a frequency, a tone, a chord. Or a (dis) – chord?!

This is how we set ourselves free by returning to our true key, our innate truth frequency!


Every cell, every part of our system has its own consciousness, awareness. We may carry misaligned parts which require healing, being brought into fusion, into true consciousness, into wholeness. A paradigm is a level of consciousness. To go higher we burn through the old with fire. We return to the gold! Consciousness is a way of being, a way of seeing, a way of freeing!


When we keep our frequency high we move above the lie (ILLusion), and pain and return into wholeness again. There may be many attempts to bring us down, to steal our crown but the key to our liberty is in feeling our divinity. It is in our perception, our truth reception, our ending of the deception. There has been a war over the true score, the natural harmonic versus a false demonic! Our eyes can deceive or they can relieve. It all comes down to how we perceive. When we see with love we rise above!


End game, Truth rein, Love flame!

Divine Capitulation!

Shadowlands! Holding Hands!

There is a blessing in feeling anxiety, sensitivity, it is that it shows us vulnerability. We are all vulnerable, things happen to us that shake us to the core in order to generate a truth restore!


Often sensitivity is viewed as weak and unattractive. People who are perceived as ‘wallowing’ in their issues are often told to pull themselves together or man up.   But what if that is exactly what they are doing?! In confronting their issues rather than stuffing them down they are working to turn things around. Rather than hiding them away for a later day, they are facing that which needs embracing and en’grace’ing. It is a tough process and the one who deals with their ‘ills’ is stronger than one who professes everything to be great whilst internally suffering in berate and self hate.


We are floored in order to be restored! There is nothing brave or commendable about putting on a brave face for it denies opening a dialogue in a truthful space. Only the brave fall for they know they have what it takes to move through it all and stand tall! (Phoenix)


Rather than viewing those with ‘problems’ as weak we would be better to view them as those who solutions do seek. We could show compassion and care and be there. One day it may be our turn to crash and burn. For when we hold our guard we turn hard. To deny our own darkness is to deny our light for they are one and the same flame.


Lighting the dark returns us to pure heart! Our sensitivity is a super power for it gifts us the opportUNITY to truly flower.

Connecting the Dots!

The light moves through networks and grids connecting us to all that is. If we shut down one area or system due to trauma or fear then the light is not free to steer. We create bLOCKS and stains or shadows in there. The light works extra hard in these areas to dissolve and resolve old patterns and issues, to remove the past from our tissues. To free us from the old and bring in the gold! To shift from limitation to liberation!


Sometimes the pain of letting the light in can be intense, too much to bear and the system may create a further shut down from there, a state of dis-ease. When we can let the light over-ride our pride (ego) we are able to enter into a deep truth preside (soul). A way of being and seeing that is supremely freeing.


As a child we look wide-eyed from the inside out. Our world is within, with our truth we spin and clear eyes we bring (innocence). As a adult our world has been disrupted and corrupted, manipulated and programmed. Our world has moved to that which is outside of us, that to which we subscribe and conform. We have lost touch with our norm, our truth and formed a stor(e)y which disconnects us from our true glory. “This is the way to be’ rather than ‘to be is the way’!


‘When you see that you have everything you need within you set yourself free to sing!

When you see lack and look outside of yourself to fill the gap you create a form of attack.’