Flower Within

We are all our own saviours, our own hero’s when we let it all return to the zeros!  When we reach that 000 reset we find that our needs are truly met.

We all come here to heal the hole in our heart, to be whole in our heart.  The hole comes from seeing ourselves as apart, separate, alone whilst whole comes from seeing ourselves as a part, together, all-one, at home.

There has been a web of lies, a disguise, a veil to prevent us from seeing with true eyes.  But with our inner sun we are always one!  The connection may have dimmed but we are always akinned.  As we shift and lift to heal the rift there can be painful times as dormant pathways are activated and truth realigns.   Rather than view it as painful and gruelling we would be better to see this as a powerful refueling.  We are being activated and galactivated!

This is the healing, the revealing, the bud opening, the flower bursting into bloom.  The birthing of the inner beauty, the heaven scent aroma, the truth pleroma! We are the weavers of truth clearing the deceivers of truth, bringing a new web that focuses on love and unity, the unfolding of a new community.

Restoring Rhythm

As humans we have lost our rhythm, our harmony, we are out of step with the Earth, disconnected from the place of our birth. This causes us to feel ill-at-ease and renders us susceptible to dis-ease. We can feel anxious and uncertain as though we are living behind a curtain unable to connect with our true divine aspect.

Although it may feel that we have lost touch with our true mother she is always here, beyond the fear. She does not leave it is us and how we perceive. We are living in a system with many unusual and unnatural frequencies that are competing for attention. Technology and modern living are not conducive to connecting with our true divine rhythm. They are sending us into a spin, disconnecting us from deep within. We get lost in our heads, in overthinking rather than found in our hearts and truly linking.

The heart is our doorway to a pure way, our core to so much more. There are many attempts to block and disrupt us from moving back, to keeping us out of whack. For when we are here centered in heart there is no fear, life shifts gear, truth becomes clear. We are peaceful and powerful for we are fully aligned and flowerful. It is like here we push a switch to end the glitch, we override any malfunction or defect for we are no longer in a state of reject but in true connect. We lose the sense of over-heated and defeated for we are re-greeted with that which we missed, we are re-blissed.

It is in restoring our rhythm we are able to see with divine precision. No longer part of the illusion, the confusion we are met with our truth infusion. We are in synch, we are with one with our ‘missing’ link.

The noose of despair, the crown of repair!

When we entertain the notion of something we entrain the notion of it. We are feeding it, giving it power, enabling it to flower. Which is great when we are creating from a positive state but less so when we are feeding that which we do not really wish to grow.

Most of us have felt like we have been wronged at some point in our lives, as if something has been done to us, dealt a blow which can allow a sense of being under attack to grow. This is how trauma works to create a lower vibrational loop of despair and can keep us there. For although the event may be in the past there may have been emotional effects that last. Its residue may grow flourish like a weed behind the scenes and interfere with our true dreams, our new scenes.

When we are able to cut off the power supply the old notion of hurt or attack has to die. We are cutting its’ roots back and in doing so release attack. We plant new seeds which are able to outgrow the weeds. Ones which bloom with a different tune, that create a new loop that lifts us out of the old gloop.

So in the case of feeling under attack which manifests disharmony we wish to restore harmony which requires a cease fire, to turn peace up higher. We call upon grace to fill any crevices of pain so that they may become whole again. We ask to re-entrain the pathways so that they no longer feel threat or attack but to align with peace and shine love back.

In this way we nurture a new flower and soon instead of being entangled by weeds we have planted enough seeds to grow a new garden. One of beauty and bloom rather than hurt and doom. We turn our trauma into our treasure, our pain into pleasure and rather than feel caught in a noose of despair we reignite our crown of re-pair!

Phoenix Eyes!

Divine vision is built through hardship and hurt for it is how ones becomes alert to the fact that all is not as it seems, that we are the masters of our dreams.

Thus we embark upon a journey which highlights deception and mis-perception in order to return us to our true connection and conception. Beyond the confusion is divine union. This realization does not make for an easy ride as we start to dismantle all that was born of ego pride. We over-ride the old, we uplift it and turn it into gold. It is golden that births true vision; the golden light of the sun which returns us to the power of one!

It is with our eyes of dreams we create our scenes. Rather than living in a system full of condition we are creating one full of fruition. Bringing things into bloom via the activation of our divine tune. It is our harmonic creating the supersonic. Birthing the true in everything we do. No longer a subject of matter, we are a master of matter. What we are able to see we are able to set free, for we are aligned (eye-ligned) with our true divinity and re-trined!

Our eyes are like paint brush or pen, they generate a picture or verse which we then disperse through our actions and creations. We are expressing our divine shine in real time. Wild and free is how we see, no longer with a sense of uniform conformity but with the gift of liberty.

We move from being lost in a maze, walking in a daze, seeing through a haze to reclaiming our divine blaze and seeing with new ways. With phoenix eyes we step out of the disguise, we truly arise!


Beauty in Pain

Anything that evokes a heartfelt response is powerful and flower-ful.  Be that through pain or joy it is part of the pathway to opening the petals of love again.

To feel numb is to be dumb to our senses, to the evocative and provocative.  Tears of sorrow, tears of joy all help to release us from the ploy of being pent up, to enable us to let down our guard and move away from being hard.

Hiding the pain away is dividing for it separates us from our truth which is that we are a myriad of emotions and commotions that too can form our potions.  Allowing our tears to flow enables the love to grow.  It takes down the walls that we have built that render us fools.  With a deep release we find a deep peace.

When we are able to feel and reveal we are gifted with the opportunity too heal.  To be vulnerable is valuable for it lifts us out of the ocean of despair and back into love and care.  The whole spectrum always lies bare and in finding the beauty in pain we are able to return to a state of wholeness again.  Strength comes in letting go, in letting the pain flow, opening an outlet for it to go.  To hold on is to block the dam, to remain contained in pain rather than allowing it to return to its’ source of healing and gain.

Witihin every adult is a wounded child, a wound that can restore wonder or topple us into plunder.  For that wound is a portal beyond pain, a launchpad back to truth again.  To fight the wound is to fight the light for they are both calling us on the same flight.  Back to inner light.

We can continue to build layers to protect us against the ‘threat’ which simultaneously act to deflect the truth or we can lay ourselves bare to the glare and accept the truth that lies there.


‘It is in the embers of decay

That we find a new way

Not black, not white

But one with true sight

This is how we take flight.’