
Our peace and security exists in a harmonic just as our love exists in a harmonic, a frequency, a tone, a chord. Or a (dis) – chord?!

This is how we set ourselves free by returning to our true key, our innate truth frequency!


Every cell, every part of our system has its own consciousness, awareness. We may carry misaligned parts which require healing, being brought into fusion, into true consciousness, into wholeness. A paradigm is a level of consciousness. To go higher we burn through the old with fire. We return to the gold! Consciousness is a way of being, a way of seeing, a way of freeing!


When we keep our frequency high we move above the lie (ILLusion), and pain and return into wholeness again. There may be many attempts to bring us down, to steal our crown but the key to our liberty is in feeling our divinity. It is in our perception, our truth reception, our ending of the deception. There has been a war over the true score, the natural harmonic versus a false demonic! Our eyes can deceive or they can relieve. It all comes down to how we perceive. When we see with love we rise above!


End game, Truth rein, Love flame!

Divine Capitulation!

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