Becoming Her(e)

We can all be mothers if we are truly lovers. There are men and women who have never given birth but due to a deep and true connection with the Earth hold a sense of infinite love and worth.

For the mothering principle is dependent on the root being strong and pure enough to birth the shoot and open the flower. The true essence of the mothering power; unconditional love, compassion, commitment, wisdom, honour and presence. All gifted to us by the Earth as part of our birth.

Some humans have disconnected from this part, fragmented and feel tormented. Many are lost and are looking for the way to connect and play. To come back to-get-her! Seeking reunion and communion. To feel the elemental, to be one with it all!

She is always her(e) beyond our fear, solid and clear. She is found in the softness of our soul not the rigidity of role, in surrender not control. She is the guardian of a different pole. The one of Earth and moon, the one who has played a less dominant tune but patiently awaits our return so we may commune and bloom!

This is our journey and our destination to bond and unite, to feel pleasure and delight. We are all on a path of becoming her(e), the centre point where truth can anoint, the flower may bloom and we are free to sing our divine tune!

Eternal HEaRt

So how do we become soft and flexible if we have found ourselves feeling tense and taut? How do we lose the rigidity and feel our fluidity?

It all starts in the brain, in the region where we feel pain or joy. For pain causes us to tighten whilst joy enables us to lighten.

We can change the setting by forgetting, by letting the hurt go for as we do so we remember and let the heart fully flow. With a memory reset we are met by our true presence, our inner essence. But it is up to us to consciously decide to override the pain of the past by building a joy and peace that will last.

Trauma does not need to hold fast. It is just by its very nature it does not see a different way. it is up to us to change the dynamic, the dialogue and help it to let go. When we live today like it is the only one we have we play, we see life a lighter way. Why waste time on sorrow when there is no such thing as yesterday or tomorrow..?

There is only NOW, this moment and we move through this moment together, forever! As O.N.E. (Only-Now-Exists) we are powerful, we are true. This is how we end the deception and find our true inner connection. For if this one moment is forever we might as well enjoy it together. To end the illusion and live in true fusion. For her(e) is the eternal HEaRt both our finish and start.

Layering Love

In order to see from our heart, with love we need to rise above. To access a different vista or view, one that is more expansive and true.

Many of us are stuck in tunnel vision, where are are only able to funnel in that which we see immediately. We are not at full capacity. To restore full capacity we must increase our audacity. For gold favours the bold! The ones that break free from the hold, that let themselves unfold and invite invite their hearts to live with love told. Expressed, spoken and shared, truth fully bared.

For much of our pain comes from witholding just as our peace comes from release and unfolding. So what holds us back, keeps us in attack, with a sense of lack? It can only be some kind of miscomprehension, disinformation, a limited interpretation that keeps us in suspension. Our reality meant for us to be free, to live in unity with eyes of the heart guiding us from the start into eternity.

Of course it is unnatural that we would be kept apart be veiled from our true heart but many humans are living this separation. So how do we access the heart and remove that which obscures our view, our true. That which should be simple has become so complex. We find it complicated for we have moved away from being dedicated.

When we are dedicated to ourselves, to another, to a higher way we activate the lover and allow them to have their say. Fear, anger, hurt and pain all carry a sense of disdain or shame which pulls us away from dedicated and the devoted being promoted.

In order to move closer to dedication we need to close the division and build layer upon layer of love and connection. For this in turn closes the gap of deception and allows the heart to reopen its’ eyes to true affection.

P(e)ace Grows

We can find ourselves in pain when we are holding or clearing buried pain. That which had been held in our cellular memories, our tissues, that which may be creating some of our issues.

In order to release we must feel a sense of deep peace. If we are tense then we are still dense, holding on, in suspense. To feel a deep peace we must let it grow, start small and feel it increase to the point we feel safe to release.

Just as we have grown fear, panic, panic and tension we can grow peace with suggestion, intention and reinvention. The only way things can change is if they are able to rearrange and disengage. For what we grow is that which is able to flow, to show, to glow. We change what we sow and we rearrange that which we see and grow.

We are the farmers, the artists, the creators, we build our yield. Through our vision and direction we build a reflection of our desires and dreams. With imagination we fuel creation. The crop, the painting, the sculpture, the book are all dependent on our outlook, the path we took or didn’t take.

If we feel we cannot create then perhaps we should look at our present state, our situation, our circumstances. For where we are is always built on what we were. What we thought, saw and believed is that which we conceived and thus received. And if we do not like what we see we are always free to change our creativity. To interject with a new concept.

Through our sense alone we are able to alter that which we bring home. As our thoughts express and take form so too are our realities landscaped and born. We can always feel satisfaction in our action when we align with abundance and power. This is the way we enable peace to flower, to grow.

Free Chi

Meridians are matrices. Carrying fuel points throughout our system marrying the universe which anoints us with energy. Chi to gift us our vitality!

If these matrices are overloaded or corroded by emotional, mental or spiritual debris how can we truly be free. These paths need to be clear so the energy can move radiantly through here.

If we are feeling low perhaps it is because the paths, the energy is moving slow. If we are feeling anxious or tense perhaps it is because we are held in some sort of barrier or defense. When we are aligned with our natural sense, the energy is able to move fully and freely and thus we are able to grow and glow fully and freely.

The elemental life force conducts and pulses through this circuit until somethings obstructs its’ pathway. This is when disease is able to come in to play. For the channel is not of its’ true way, there is interference, a block in coherence. It is only with a clearance of the lines we heal any confines or demise.

When we are crystal clear our light flows perfectly, powerfully and vitally from within here. Our chi is optimum and free to circulate and fortify rather than stagnate and die. Our chi moves with fluidity, it does not thrive in rigidity. So as we loosen up we lighten up, liven up and fill our cup.


Our aura takes on a different hue depending on what we are going through, whether we are living in illusion or being true.

Beliefs shape our being and our way of seeing and thus influence the colours we imbue. What we think and feel literally gives us our hue.

We all know people who glow, that shine brightly wherever they go just as we know those who seem heavy and dark who have lost their spark. Depending upon our experiences, our emotions, our traumas and trials we will align with scowls and frowns or smiles and crowns. We can lift ourselves up or down and change our frequency to swim or drown.

This is not to say that there is any shame in feeling pain. We shall always move through the frightful as well as the more delightful. The key is in how we react can we release and relax or will we tighten and contract? Moving through the dark, that which was concealed is part of the journey to feeling healed, fully revealed.

We cannot be light all of the time but we can choose to seeing the bright, the blessing hidden behind that which is expressing perhaps through pain. It is natural that sometimes we will dim perhaps to take a deeper swim in the oceans of our emotions. To find the buried treasure which cannot always be released by pleasure.

In order to cleanse and clear old hurt and fear we must move further into the depths for it is here we expand our breaths. We connect within and find the true hue we are here to bring. We radiate the colours we naturally sing, our lifeline, our divine shine.

Cha(lle)nge to Change

As humans we are challenged to change! For many change is something we fear or dislike rather than something we love and invite. But why is this so? Do we always need to know? Is it because we wish to be in charge of where we go?

How would things be if we viewed life as an adventure? Any and all manner of possibilities could be set free? Yet if we hold on too tightly to structure then something must surely rupture?

And so it is we are presented with challenges and trials in order to help us change, to rearrange and move our dials. To open to a new direction, one that can come from deeper introspection, to bring about a recollection, a resurrection!

For without challenge it can be hard to change. To disengage from the old, to turn the page, to repave. We may be too complacent, too rigid and set so it is only when things are shaken up we tend to step, to allow ourselves to be met. By a higher power, a force, the light of our flower, our source.

But why do we need that push, can we not invite the pull? Could we not let ourselves empty to become full? To rise above any sense of inertia and doom and openly explode into bloom.

Of course it is possible yet we tend to hold back, fear the judgement or attack. Feel that there is some degree of restriction that blocks us from living with true conviction. Yet it is only when we allow ourselves to do so that we flow beyond boundaries as truth fills our space.

The challenge is to erase anything that is not of freedom, not of grace and the change is to invite that grace to ignite our being and expand throughout this place!


We are well-rounded when we are grounded. For we are rooted and strong, where we belong. Here and present.

One with the Earth, shining true and effervescent. From head to toe we are aglow. in our flow. Our roots are deep and our crowns are abundant. Solid and firm yet flexible and able to bend and turn. To hold our ground yet swing and sway.

It is here that our heart is free to play, to speak and say the truth it brings, the joy it sings. When our roots are strong our heart feels safe, like we belong so our crown is radiant and in song. With the cosmic truth, the world beyond illusion and confusion we are now with a higher in-fusion.

When we anchor and ground we activate a truly different sound, we allow our divine frequency to astound and liberate ourselves from anything that sought to compound. Filled with mirth and might we see with our true sight and find that life is able to delight.

What may once have felt like a battle or war is now eased by a sense of the true and pure. For we are allowing truth to move through our core and restore, to gift us our cure. Any obstruction or destruction is removed and our peace and power is improved for the line is clear and we are well connected here. From low to high we are open to fly!


All women are mamas whether they give birth to a child or not in this lifetime. For it is a part of us something we have innately got in the heart of us, in our lifeline.

The power to create, gestate and liberate. May this take the form of a new born, bringing a baby into the physical or by being a mother to another. Perhaps we create and craft a project, a dream, a passion, a draft and give birth to it in some sort of fashion. Our craft is our work of art birther from our heart. We nurture and nourish so it may grow and flourish.

For the role of a mama is to raise, be that a child or our own inner sense of wild. That which wishes to come to light, take flight. All our manifestations or purpose and power come through our open flower. A bloom that rises from the womb.

Birth is gifted from the Earth, the original mother, a source like no other. The toil of a seed planted in the darkness of soil to develop and push through, to imbue a sense of true. Celebrated by petals laid open and bare that have elevated from deep down within there.

Everything that reveals glory and truth has come from a a story of time concealed, a period of growth and development to betroth their true element. All mamas have the gift within to raise a seed in alignment with divine creed to enable the truth to be freed. Where Matter And Mystical Align, the power of the MAMA divine!

Diamond (S)core

Healing is not an instant flick of the switch and we have removed the glitch. It is a more of a long distance powerful persistance, a commitment to truth and evolution.

An on-going process where the lie is able to dissolve the old, where we absolve and return to gold. So our planetary alignments may release us from our confinements. Where we may revolve in cosmic unity and resolve.

We are moving to a point where truth may anoint, where there is no longer a block for we have unlocked and liberated from anything that formerly inhibited our soul, our freedom to living whole. We have been under going a big unlearning in order to activate the turning of the key and thus our ability to be free.

We all hold it within, both you and me. It is in our capacity, our power to see, to perceive or deceive, to ail or relieve. To know in our hearts and minds that there is nothing that can incarcerate our beauty when we illuminate our beauty. When we radiate rather than retaliate, when we are in love rather than hate.

Our ever transforming and changing state is able to activate a new gate, a new door opening deeper from our core, our planetary score. And as we take this step to reveal anything that sought or fought to conceal then we are able to heal. To sing our authentic song, the music we held all along!

This inner pole shift repairs the rift and births our eternal gift; our true self, our inner wealth stands true in the light of day as the old drops and drifts away.